Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Coming Soon... The Nativity

This is one we made earlier.


lilith said...

Superb. LOVE the health and safety considerations...are they borrowed sheep or do you have some? Very, very Christmassy! Hugs, Px

hatfield girl said...

We are uploading this year's efforts if we can still manage much at all after Christmas dinner, L.

This year there was a real Baby Jesus (with temperatures well below zero.) Never have I been so relieved as when the bells rang for midnight and the poor little mite was carried into the church. Well wrapped up - swaddled even - he may have been, but I'm of the 6.30 bedtime school for infants, not away in a manger at eleven at night.

Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Love it. The inalienable right of all Italians to burn down their neighbours' houses whilst re-enacting the birth of the Baby Cheeses.

Here, that would now be classified as an "unlawful activity", and a huge fine imposed.

All quiet here now; L taking my contingent (two of my lads and one girlfriend) back to Bristol, and 'lil L on the way to Kent with her beloved Grandfather to face the madness that is *her* father.

All sorts of family (re)configurations now comprise Christmas. Rather good really. L & 'lil L be'flued until Xmas Eve, and me becrutched meant we were all knackered yesterday, but my chef boy cooked for us, a huge sirloin; lots of red wine. good cheer and in bed for me by 10.30.

Just myself and Pig now, he delighted to have a house full of "puppies" and a belly full of fine beef. I've been doing the one-legged washing up jig, and am soon to settle myself in our huge new bath tub (no shower in time for Xmas - L & 'lil L gave our friend Bob the Builder the 'flu as a Xmas present (we hold him in high esteem), but bath, whilst standard length, is, I reckon, a full 9" wider, so even a lanky lad like myself can wallow happily in it.

hatfield girl said...

Those fires are being filmed from three floors up. This year they were set in the piazza strewn with straw.

We still haven't got our trembling hands round putting it up yet, but some of this year's has been filmed at street level. St Joseph was being particularly bossy.

When will you be recovered Elby? It all sounds a bit uncomfortable and that you are being braver than you make out.

Elby the Beserk said...

HG - couple more weeks on crutches, though I can happily Long John Silver about one one, and indeed, can walk without them at all. As yet, however, am loath to test out the load-bearing capacity of the hip properly. It is, however, all healing well, and is less comfortable in bed than when up and about.

It is a foretaste of old age - can't go out of the house without assistance, and limited still to what I can do in the house; but have managed some domestic jobs.

Most of all I miss walking our little Pigdog. And we are having a lovely cold snap, with some hard frosts, and to be about with Pig in our woods would be a delight.

Instead I have spent my time battling the morons on Comment Is Free and Blogs various, and inventing more and more lurid ways of disposing of Gordon Brown. What did we do to deserve this?

Two weeks I should be able to thrown down my crutches. Hopefully able to drive as well; a week after that back into hospital for a check up.

Then I find out when my shoulder op will be!

And one of my capped teeth fell out a couple of days ago ... hey ho!

hatfield girl said...

Where is the pram in your avatar E? You need it.