Thursday, 3 June 2010

The Knight Bus

Leaving late from Rome and arriving only an hour later near London, the Knight Bus carries Mr HG this evening to a conflab  on this'n'that tomorrow.

Costing only 11 euros it charges extra for amenities such as hot-water bottles, toothbrushes, and hot chocolate, not to mention large suitcases, and portmanteaux stuffed with entire lives and fear of flying.

Lots of Muggles resent flying Ryanair, they say it spoils the pleasures of travel.  Well, that depends on what you want, with respect.   If you want to get somewhere else reliably, fast, on or before time, and cheaply -

Go Knight Bus! 


Anonymous said...

knight Bus? Harry potter? magical nystery tour for Mr HG.
Please explain? AA

hatfield girl said...

Ryanair attracts a great deal of attention for acting like a flying bus and not living up to the expectations of infrequent air travellers with tickets to cross Europe that cost 35 pence.

For those with just a handbag (literally a handbag, not an over-stuffed back pack or bulging vanity case) it leaves and arrives at useful hours (late at night, very early in the morning) and travels to places other airlines rarely reach. It's the Knight Bus, and everything is extra but it does the job. The owner is as dismissive of complaints too.

Mr HG is noted for returning from his travels loaded with truly wonderful things so he usually comes home in an ordinary aeroplane with a booked-in suitcase, the unpacking of which can be quite a ceremony when he gets here - though less so now the Smalls are grown and gone.

hatfield girl said...


And Knight's distinction between risk and uncertainty has started to be the thing to talk about again. Too many connections in an overcrowded head, sorry.