Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Cultural Behaviour is Often Wrong For Political Health

The aging of the political class in Italy is getting embarrassing.  All of a sudden the entire lot of them are over seventy.  (Well, they are completely worn-out and used-up, even if some might manage to squeeze under the class of 1940 bar).  While keeping down the generations below is a national pastime - the socio-legal structure is given over to holding back the oncoming generational tide - the slippage into dotage is becoming marked again.

There has been some improvement, insofar as not actually gunning-down the under-forties and fifties is much practiced any more; and the two most impressive politicians of the centre-right and centre-left are both middle-aged women with lots of business and political experience, and lots of money  (always such a blessing -lots of money).   But the mano morta    rests still on the Italian body politic.

The slow death of social democracy because of its contamination by infiltration from elderly communist, socialist  and fascist personnel - what you might call the Former Party -  is devastating for the achievement of quite basic aspects of social justice: land redistribution, access to capital, support through advanced intellectual and technical training, access to elites various,  and must be interrupted.

We need rid of old authoritarian men.  

And if we really insist on having them, then at least let's have Giulio Andreotti  (who puts England's Peter Mandelson into  withering context).


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