Thursday, 5 March 2009


It may be the delicacy; it may come in various forms - dolce, nostrale; it may be hand-cut or wafer-thin from the machine; it may head the league of companatico (that which is to be eaten with bread), of salami, mortadella, soprassata, a quick rub-over with half an onion.

I write as I eat my merenda - prosciutto pannino with radicchio and a smear of soft cream cheese, glass of local red. But I write too as the figurative subaltern found (early in my mediterranean life) discreetly frying up a couple of slices of prosciutto, with tomatoes and lettuce at the ready, roll sliced open on the bread board.

What a waste of best back bacon.


Elby the Beserk said...

Last night we had a joint of boiled gammon from the farmer's market. The night before, pork and apple burgers from there as well. Freezer full of the lovely smoked streaky bacon from there as well. And pig's liver (not Pig's liver. He gets the blood).

Thank you pigs for your lovely meat. We shall come and check out your Prosciutto before too long. Tracker installed in the van today, and reversing sensors (for the faint of heart, i.e. me). More windows next week, and then we can start to fit it. Our neighbour John a caravan expert, quite happy to advise us on wiring it up, and our friend Bob, builder and chippy supreme (Bob the Builder) will be fitting it.

We're all going on a Summer Holiday,
No more working, for a week or two,
Everybody has a ... summer holiday,
To make their dreams come true-ooo-ooo
For a week or two.

I actually saw that at the cinema. God I'm old...

hatfield girl said...

Bring cozzies.

Elby the Beserk said...

Most definitely :-) Pig loves swimming too. I plan river swimming with him when it gets warmer; some good places around here. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

Yum Yum Pig's bum as we use to say when we were young. I remember coming across the Museo Del Jamon on the Gran Via in Madrid. What a treat! Jamon Cerrano costs a pretty penny over here $10.00AUS per 100gms. Probably cheaper to have a whole leg shipped in.