Thursday, 26 February 2009

Out of Place and Out of Time

The bridge that crosses the Borgo to the Comune has become a gibbet. Carnival figures, caged by cruel railings and anchored by hand and foot are torn by wind and rooks (and pigeons too but they are not so grand), their finery shredded, stripped, their hats and wigs askew. Unmasked they look so frightened, up there in the cold, exposed between the towers.

Lent has begun and still they stand, forced to continue their challenge through Ash Wednesday and on to who knows when. Perhaps the carnival organisers will send out a search and rescue mission soon for their creatures, before the forces of disorder are publicly overthrown.

They'd better have them down before Sunday or the priest will have a fit and I won't let them use the bridge next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No hurry. At Città della Pieve (Arezzo) they celebrate Carnival on the first Lent Sunday, for otherwise they could not compete with jollier and more accessible cities. And you have a unique chance to irritate the priest without it being your fault. Just pretend that today is Vendredi Gras.