Friday, 8 January 2010


The 12 days may have passed but we are still coping with the enthusiastic stocking up for Christmas.  This evening (a Friday - oh, the guilt) we are having roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.  Blithely I opened the oven door, oven glove on one hand, took out the pot of roasting carrots in ginger and caramel, and helped it onto the work surface by grasping the handle with the other, bare, hand.

Then I threw it across the kitchen.  Hot?  I didn't know such pain.  Fortunately, after shoving poor hand under the cold tap till it all calmed down, I remembered where the anti-burn is - I know, I should keep it all in the first aid box but things move about ON THEIR OWN here.

God bless the St John's Ambulance and modern medicines.  Hand and fingers are feeling stiff and glisten with unguent, but  they were treated in time.

Serving dinner with one hand is a feat.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Covered in Icing Sugar

Great generosity and hospitality has been shown over the holidays by friends and relations.  So the annual ceremony of opening the Bauli only happened today.  A Bauli is, as it says on the outside, il pandoro di Verona.

So I swathed-on a clean pinny, took  a short vegetable knife in one hand and the Bauli in the other and started hacking into the bottom of the carton.  Fail.  I ended ripping it out with tooth and nail.  Inside the Bauli sat smugly encased in see-through, the tightly sealed packet of icing sugar and the refastener coyly out of sight.  But I just tipped the lot out onto the table, stood the B on its head and sliced open the inner wrapper.  Hah.  Pass.

I readied the cellophane, rolled down to half way, and opened the icing sugar packet - just the corner, of course, otherwise it comes out too fast.  Pass.

Icing sugar tipped in, sides rolled up over Bauli, opened end of cellophane closed and seized tight.  Shake.

The trouble with triumphant shaking is it's too violent.  It only takes a little split, the slightest loss of total grip on the neck, and the icing sugar is out and all over.  Fail.  Again.

I will get it right in 2011 - or  2012 -  or?

Friday, 1 January 2010

Buon Anno

           Happy New Year to you all, in all the lives you are leading now.